Monday, November 14, 2011

(class blog) Abuse Cycle

        Abuse cycle is basically a cycle of generation to generation abusing their children. For example if I abuse my child and make sure he does what I say, he would probably do the same to his child because of what I did to him. The reason why I think this happens is because when you are being abused by someone it hurts a lot. And you tell yourself that you will not do that to your children because it was so bad. But with out knowing you end up doing the exact same thing to your kids that your parents did to you. The pain you went through was still alive in your body and needed some comfort, but had to be expressed in a way. But you end up not controlling it and doing the same to you kids like Troy did.
      I think the way to stop this cycle is to not be like your parent. For example if I was to be abused by my father, and I told my self I will not do the same to my children. The thing I would have to do differently is to be nothing like my father. That would mean move far away, do things that keep you happy and forget about the past. Unlike Troy and Cory where Troy was stuck in the past and kept mentioning  what happened in the past  with his mistakes and what he could have done. Which brings up another example, Cory was under Troys roof and had to live by his rules. But Cory mentioned he did not even want to go to his fathers funeral because he wants to be nothing like his father, he wanted to say no one time.
      Abusing is not a good way to raise your kids, it has been proven in studies also. What Troy did was not acceptable but he did what he wanted to. But still today kids get abused by their parent or guardian which again is not right. The thought that goes to parents and guardians  heads is that they  were abused when they did something wrong when they were younger, so they think they should apply the same to their kids. But smart people will know not to do that.

Thursday, November 3, 2011

(free post) Almost there

     I know I have already posted about us being seniors and how we are all going to be happy and sad at the same time. But honestly it is kind of sad how each day gets closer and closer to graduation and us leaving. But I also can not wait until I Graduate and move on to another big part of my life which is college. Seniors may not feel like it is senior year right now but soon when all those activites start and those other things, people will start knowing like wow we are about to graduate.                                                         
   My goal is to get into a decent community college and play some football. And transfer into a UC and hopefullly continue playing ball. I am not completly sure what I want to major in but maybe in the medical field or engenering field. It will take work to transfer in to a UC. So my two main goals will be school and football. But I will definetly be attending those parties as my break.
    But high school is high school no matter how you look at it. There will be good times and bad times. But you will remember the good times, good friends, events, and so on when your looking at your high school year book a couple of years from now.