Friday, October 21, 2011

(response post) Senior year

I am responding to Brenda's post about senior year.

"Senior year is supposed to be your best, easiest, and most fun year out of your high school experience. Well, so far I am not feeling it. Maybe it will kick in second semester when college applications are over and grades do not matter as much anymore. "

    I like Brenda's statement but I would have to completely disagree. The summer of going from junior year to senior year is where it started. I may have not completed my tasks that I was suppose to do but still that was the best summer of my life. Plus I do not even have to worry about college applications because I am going to community college. But I do agree that second semester of this year will be funner because of all the activities such as prom, senior picnic, and especially graduation. I understand Brenda's case that she is very busy will school and college and I bet a lot of people are. But I am saying also have your fun because it is the last year of high school in your life. You do not want to graduate with a lot of doubt's. Because you only get senior year twice. But I do not even know how senior year for college would be like. 

Thursday, October 20, 2011

(free post) All over again

       I had a lot of troubles through out high school and one of them were having to much fun and not having enough time for other things. For example last year I did not care about my grades, family and all, all I was doing was having fun with m friends. I told myself I am not going to do that again but somehow I am doing it all over again right now. It is not as bad right now because my classes are easy and I am injured so football is not there either. I have tried many different things to remember things but I keep forgetting. Now I am trying out a new thing by putting all my important things on my calendar, hopefully this works.
      Going back to the part where I did not care about any thing last year but having fun. Now that I think about it, it sounds scary. But I have been raised better than that and do not want my brothers to go down the same way. They say you should learn from your mistakes but for my younger brothers and sisters, they have to learn from their mistake and mine so they wont make the same ones I made. So basically I am trying to be that better person too, and now since college is around the corner my bad ass days are over for me. Also think and be smart but still have your fun.

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Going for the Look

            I agree with this statement and it is completely right about having good looking people in the front of the stores so they can have a good image to their company. For example in the past I have seen stores have good looking girls in the front. I think that it is wrong to do that but in the same time if your trying to make a living you have to do what you got to do.
           It is funny how people hire by looks and image than brains and experts. Obviously your going to have a good business with smart people not good looking people. In other hands if your business is having a good visual look then by all means you should hire good looking people for your business.
           I remember one time I walked into a shopping center and I was with my brother. I have never been to that store before but as soon as I walked in I started liking the store already. They had that whole Hawaii look with some really good looking girls. And my first thought was these girls can not work here, they must be here for something else. So I can see why people or mostly guys would want to shop at a store like that. In many readings and saying from experts have been saying that this whole process is true. For example, "It is important to create an environment that's enticing to the community, particular with the younger, fashionable market.
         The part that really gets to people are that people are judged by their looks. The saying "Don't judge a book by its cover" is a good saying. But people do the complete opposite by judging people on how they look, how they dress, and if there in shape or not. I would understand some jobs or businesses require people to have certain looks or skills. But for a simple job people still discriminate one another. I guess that is how life just is, people doing things like that.
     It is not just for the stores that sell clothing. But also for the stores that are trying to sell a certain product, basically stores that are trying to sell products that people would find interesting. For example you go into a GNC or gym, you automatically see male or female's that are in shape and have that look or image for it. But if you go to Mc Donald's there is not a certain look people have. I am neutral to this whole thing, you can look at it both ways. For example if you want to apply to Abercrombie and your a person that is not in shape, ugly, and poor but is very smart and are capable of doing very well, then there not going to hire you. Now that is not fair because there good for the job mentally but not physically. Where they might hire a person that is in shape, beautiful, and rich. But is not the brightest person in the world either, they have more of a chance of getting hired in this case. The other way of this is if you own a business like Abercrombie or are a high employee then you would want to hire good looking people so your business can grow. But some people take it serious when it is just business.
       Cohen makes a lot of very good points in his paragraph when he was talking about howthe market works and how they get business. Cohen states that, “It’s really important to create an environment that is enticing to the community,particularly with the younger, fashionable market. A guy wants to hang out in a store where he can see good-looking gals.” So he is saying that the companies only are basically interested in young good looking girls, so there the only ones that fit the picture in the business. When I went to that store and saw good looking girls, I wanted to go back and not for the clothes, so Cohen is completely right when he said guys just want to hang out where the girls are. I am pretty sure there are alot of guys out there who would just like to go there for the girls not the clothes. Cohen alsostates that, “retailers defend the approach to hiring based on image asnecessary and smart, and the industry experts see the point.” So once againthey hire for looks not necessarily on brains and experience. I would much rather have someone who knows what they are doing than someone with no clue of what they are doing, because now that person has to take time out of his day to teach the person what to do instead of hiring someone who knows what to do and spend the rest of the day doing whatever the manager could of done.
      I am not saying that just because you pretty or beautiful they will hire you in a second but also they probably want a smart good looking person. But some places do not even do that, they do not care about any of that just if your good looking or not. I would much rather have someone who knows what there doing then someone whos clueless. For example say you have a problem with some items in the store, and you need some help and you ask one of the employees and they do not know anything and gives a hard time. This world is a weired world of judging people on how they look for jobs, but you can always argue it both ways. I guess thats why everyone cares about how they look.

Sunday, October 9, 2011

(response) parents

Im responding to Ming's post about parents.

"I believe lots of parents won't be letting their kids to get home late because of different reasons."

   I agree with ming a lot on this statement. I know there are a lot of parents out there who do not let there child leave the house late or come home late. But I also know theres some parents that let there child not come home for days at a time. For example my mom is pretty stict. but if you know how to talk you can find your way out. At one point in my life my mom would not even allow me to hang out with friends. But over the years it has been getting way better. I think for some people, it is about doing chores or work around the house in order to go out. But again for others they have to sneak out because there parents would not let them out. theres just so many thought to this.
     Ming also mensioned he likes to walk around at night listening to music. I do not think thats weired. I have done that a couple of times and basically your just zoning out the word and it is just you and your music. It is the feeling where you do what you want, and no one can say anything. I do not think anyone has stopped me and told me what I am listening to but that would be akward if someone does. Many teens say my parents are so this and that. But I guess you never know how they feel until you are the parent looking after your kids.

(free post) Events coming up

   There are a lot of events coming up in my life that are really important. For example my cousin is getting engaged soon, I am going to a business trip, and so on. My cousin is starting to get to the age where he needs to settle down with someone and have kids and spend the rest of his life with. Hes having a small family get together with his future finance  family. I am pretty sure it is going to be a lot fun, I have not seen my cousins cousin in a long time and we will be in L.A.
   I am also trying to get into this business thing that I found out with my friend. Its something that takes time to make happen. Theres this meeting thats going to happen in novemeber but its in orgeon. But I told my mom it is in L.A. she would not let me leave the state for a business meeting. But I really want to go because its where I will know about the business and learn everything. Its a good experience. But the problem is its during the last football game of the year. But I know my team will make playoffs, so technically its not going to be  our  last  game.  It cost  $130  but  I think  its worth it, plus  its a business where you do not make money unless you spend money and are dedicated to the whole situation thing for the business.