Thursday, October 20, 2011

(free post) All over again

       I had a lot of troubles through out high school and one of them were having to much fun and not having enough time for other things. For example last year I did not care about my grades, family and all, all I was doing was having fun with m friends. I told myself I am not going to do that again but somehow I am doing it all over again right now. It is not as bad right now because my classes are easy and I am injured so football is not there either. I have tried many different things to remember things but I keep forgetting. Now I am trying out a new thing by putting all my important things on my calendar, hopefully this works.
      Going back to the part where I did not care about any thing last year but having fun. Now that I think about it, it sounds scary. But I have been raised better than that and do not want my brothers to go down the same way. They say you should learn from your mistakes but for my younger brothers and sisters, they have to learn from their mistake and mine so they wont make the same ones I made. So basically I am trying to be that better person too, and now since college is around the corner my bad ass days are over for me. Also think and be smart but still have your fun.

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