Sunday, October 9, 2011

(free post) Events coming up

   There are a lot of events coming up in my life that are really important. For example my cousin is getting engaged soon, I am going to a business trip, and so on. My cousin is starting to get to the age where he needs to settle down with someone and have kids and spend the rest of his life with. Hes having a small family get together with his future finance  family. I am pretty sure it is going to be a lot fun, I have not seen my cousins cousin in a long time and we will be in L.A.
   I am also trying to get into this business thing that I found out with my friend. Its something that takes time to make happen. Theres this meeting thats going to happen in novemeber but its in orgeon. But I told my mom it is in L.A. she would not let me leave the state for a business meeting. But I really want to go because its where I will know about the business and learn everything. Its a good experience. But the problem is its during the last football game of the year. But I know my team will make playoffs, so technically its not going to be  our  last  game.  It cost  $130  but  I think  its worth it, plus  its a business where you do not make money unless you spend money and are dedicated to the whole situation thing for the business.

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