Friday, October 21, 2011

(response post) Senior year

I am responding to Brenda's post about senior year.

"Senior year is supposed to be your best, easiest, and most fun year out of your high school experience. Well, so far I am not feeling it. Maybe it will kick in second semester when college applications are over and grades do not matter as much anymore. "

    I like Brenda's statement but I would have to completely disagree. The summer of going from junior year to senior year is where it started. I may have not completed my tasks that I was suppose to do but still that was the best summer of my life. Plus I do not even have to worry about college applications because I am going to community college. But I do agree that second semester of this year will be funner because of all the activities such as prom, senior picnic, and especially graduation. I understand Brenda's case that she is very busy will school and college and I bet a lot of people are. But I am saying also have your fun because it is the last year of high school in your life. You do not want to graduate with a lot of doubt's. Because you only get senior year twice. But I do not even know how senior year for college would be like. 

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