Thursday, September 29, 2011

(free post) Island Bowl

    It all started Thursday night, I went to team dinner with the football team to a teammates house for dinner. After dinner our coach said one of the most re memorable and strong things to us. I was so juiced and ready for the next day which was the island bowl. That whole day I was so mad and ready for the game. But I knew I could not play. That morning I heard that encinal trashed our school and I got even more mad. So it finally came down to the game and I was totally in that game mood. At first I thought that we had the game in our hands because we were doing so much better then them, but we made a few mistakes and it was anyone's game again. But unfortunately we lost 45 -41. That was one of the best games I have seen in my life. But I knew were the better team and a few mistakes killed us, plus the referee calls were unacceptable. They were basically on encinals side, there were so many calls that they called that was there fault and stuff. But the worst part is that encinals coach told his players to try to injury some of our players. That is why a player on there team hit one of our players after the play and some ruff housing started to happen. That cost them thirty yards, and they were 4ht and goal on the thirty yard line. But unfortunately they scored and that was one of the few big mistakes we made. It was a tough lost but I respect some people on that team even though I lost forty dollars too. But hopefully we play them again during playoffs if possible.

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