Wednesday, September 28, 2011

(Bi weekly post) Writing prompt #2

     I really did not know who I was before high school. When I started high school, I also started to play football. A sport that is sort of new to me, my first year was freshman year. Now that  I am a senior and I look back in my life, football had one of the biggest effects on me. It is sad that I can not play football my last year, but it is one of my best personal qualities I got. Not only has football taught me to be smart and strong but to take life to another level.
       Another experience that is important to me is high school generally. I have changed so much that I do not even remember what I used to be like. I remember going into high school, being nervous, scared, excited all at once. I had the set of mind  of being the normal kid going to school and football. But there was many parts in my life where some people had big impacts in my life. For example life was normal but I started to hangout with my cousins a lot. I started to hangout with them and I looked at how they lived there lives and I listened to the stories they told me when they were my age, I really looked up to my cousins. Most people get their advice or there solutions from there parents. Ever since I started looking up to my cousins I always thought and took actions way differently than I did before. Now I always think outside the box. For example I used to put football, friends, and life in front of school. But now I know always put school in front of everything because I know my future is in school. My cousins were just like me when they were in high school. But they did not make the change or commitment for school, and now they regret it. I do not want to regret anything when I am there age. So I have a chance to be different and put school before fun.
       I have a goal that every person in this world wants, and thats to live the american dream. Every body wants the cars, money, big house, etc.who does not want that dream. Many people say that they want to be successfull to have a good life, or for there family but literally who does not. I thinks it is all based on where your classs is. For example if your a low class person you can not expect to achieve the same goals the high class people do. It is all based on which class your under, but you can always change that but thats when the society or comminity comes in. In this world if your born in a low class family and a bad society than your looked as being low when your older. And the same goes for high class familys. They expect that person to make it far.
      For me it is different, I came from a low class family but I want to challenge that and make it to the top. And all the people that doughted me or told me that I couldnt do it, to prove them wrong. And it gets me puped up every time someone tells me this because when someone tells me I can not do something, I take it as a chanllenge and make sure I accomlish it.

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