Thursday, September 15, 2011

[free post] my weekend

    This weekend i am going to have heck of fun starting Friday i am going to go after school to workout at the gym on willow and shore line at my friends apartment complex, he has a lot of weights so we just go there and get yolked, his name is can not say, he is not yolked and we are going to make him buff. Then later on Ill go to the football game and support  my team, and hopefully have a win this time against the weak ass San Lorenzo team. I can not play because of a severe injury due to my back, but our record right now is 0-2, but I am pretty sure we will have a good reason and make playoffs. Then after the game its pretty much a day. The next day I plan to hangout with my friends and probably study and go swimming and maybe workout. every sunday I watch football and forty- niners better win again. While the raiders better lose. But there last game and every game before that forty niners has been victorious against the Oakland raiders. If the forty niners loose that is going to heck of suck because i am expecting them to kick some ass against the other team, but i do not really care if the raiders win or not ahahah. and after i watch the football games i will just fall asleep then go to school the next god dam day.  once i go to school on monday i will get to brag about the forty niners winning!


  1. Hehe, you sound pretty confident. I'm not really into sports so I don't know what to tell you! I hope your team wins!!
    Also can you please split your posts into paragraphs for next time? Even if it's only two, it really makes it a whole lot easier for us to read!!! :)

  2. Thanks. And ya ile do that next time
