Tuesday, September 20, 2011

(free post) NIners

    I've been considering a separate call for writers for a little while recently and Danny's move to FO makes now as good a time as any to post this call for writers. Although the NFL Lockout has made story ideas and conversation-starters a bit harder to come by lately, I think we've managed to keep folks engaged and enjoying their visits to the site.
    In spite of all this, I'm always on the lookout for new voices at the site. None of us on the front page can claim to be the be-all, end-all source of 49ers knowledge and information. While I've been running this site for 4 1/2 years now, this site is filled with people who could provide quality analysis and discussion above and beyond my own contributions. Accordingly, I'd like to try and get more voices involved on the front page.
    Niners  could really be a good team this year. They have what it takes but some little errors mess them up. For example the coaches call last game against the cowboys was horrible. He said he would rather have a field goal then a first down. I wont even make that mistake. But next week were for sure going to get the win. The raiders actually kind of stepped it up also. But they lost too.
   But after the fight at the raider and niner game I dont think there going to be playing each other anymore because of deaths.

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