Friday, September 16, 2011

(Response) High School

 It's crazy how fast these years has been. We came toAHS not knowing anything about high school and then experienced our high school football games during Friday nights, finally having off campus lunch,representing our class during Homecoming, meeting new people, attending all the school events, and watching the Seniors leave every year... and finally,this year is our year.-Kristen He

        So far its barley been a month of my senior year and I already know that this year is going to defiantly be the best year from the four years. I came to high school not knowing anything, but in the same time really happy for high school to begin.What I did not know is that high school will go by this quick, I mean its kinda sad how your going to go your different path from everyone but its life and we all have to make our lives happen like Kristen said. The only thing I can think of thats sad right now is that I am not playing football for my last year, but I know theres more in life than football. I know this is my last year of high school and I am really going to make something out of it because people never forget there senior year. Even when people have grandchildren they still tell stories of there high school and how there life was.
       Kristen also mentioned that she learned a lot this year. I know for a fact I learned so much that I can not even remember how I used to think back freshman year and so. High school is probably the biggest experience everyone gets in there life. I know college is coming up next for us but I still think think the experimenting starts in high school and the next stage for all of us is college.

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