Thursday, September 22, 2011

(response) to zacks weekend

I am responding to Zack's post about his weekend.
This weekend I plan to have heck of fun I want to do as much as I can because I don’t want to be bored.

  I agree with zach, I hate it when Im bored during the weekend. It sort of just kills the weekend moment. We go to school five days a week and only two days off. We also have go to school for ten months and were off for two months. I think every weekend should be fun, or just exciting so its the same as school. My weekend is actually hopefully as good or better than zacks. Starting on Friday after school I will be with my team on our way to Encinal. I would be so happy if we win this year. They have been winning for the island bowl for the past four years. Hopefully this year we take the win. After that its basicllay a day but I might hangout with my friends. Saturday I will get up and go get a haircut because senior banquet it saturday night. So basically Ile just let time fly untill the event starts. But the problem is that I do not have the money for senior banquet. I think I will  just borrow money from my neighbor and pay them back. Which remionds me I need to get a job as soon as possibe. A lot of people hasd been telling me that they voted for me as best beared. Hopefully I won, but if not I still think its going to be a good night. Then sunday its all about football. The niners better win. But zack likes the raiders, we will see how it goes. Thats my weekend and I totally agree with zack that weekends need to be fun.

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