Wednesday, September 14, 2011

College Essay

    I came from a hard world where I didn't know anything until I experienced it. For example my childhood was not like an ordinary childhood. My dad would never be home, and I wouldn't ever go out, always staying home and studying. My parents would always be overprotective because they would be afraid that something might happen to me. But unfortunately my dad passed away while I was still in elementary school. And that really effected me in school because I was depressed and angry and did not know what to do. Eventually time went by and I stopped thinking about it and then I moved and started focusing on my school work instead of worrying about the past. My life took a big step and I started to know that I was growing up. That was basically the start of the big change in my life. Now one of the biggest things on my mind is to be successful. Not only for my family but for my dream. It took me a while to figure out what I want to be or accomplish when I'm older. But now that I think about it, I want to be a nurse, doctor, or a physical therapist somewhere in that field. Ive seen people destroy their lives in front on me. I seen my past and I want a better future.

      A personal quality is that I play football. I started playing when I was a freshman. I play offence and defence of line. I like playing football because it is fun and such a rough and non stopping sport. My cousin got me into playing football by telling me stories of times when he played back in high school. It got me reallly inspired and I tried out for the team. The funny part was I did not know much about football at the time, and when I tried out I knew I was not the best. But as time went by I was one of the best. From my family I was the first to ever play football but now my brother playing his first year. But now that Im a senior I most likey not playing my last year because of a saveer injury. Another quality I have is Im hardworking when Im dedicated to something. For example if I really want something or want to accomplish something I really work to get that. Im a kind of guy that likes challenges, because they test your skills and ability to put yourself into a test. Even though I really like football, my best quality has to be having that momentum of living life with going with the flow. I go with the flow with alot of stuff but some things you just cant. But I guess thats how time goes by quick if you just go with the flow. Thats not always the best thing to do but I guess in a way it can help me out in the future.

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